Belated Birthday Gift Message. Happy belated birthday to a friend who is so charming, caring, and loyal. Below is a collection of the best belated birthday messages that you can use in a birthday greeting that make light of the belated part.

If you have also forgotten the birthday of your friend yesterday, wish him/her now today. May you be blessed with a year filled with abundant blessings. Happy belated birthday!” if you need a message for a coworker you don’t know particularly well, use this message.
Don’t Think Much About Gifts, Like Birthdays.
I am not great with apologies. Thanks for a wonderful birthday gift! Check out our wonderful collection of belated birthday messages and funny wishes for your friends and family.
It Was The Cat’s Fault!
Sorry i forgot the most important day of the year. “you look beautiful my darling; No excuse for today, i forgot your birthday.
Whether You Wish A ‘Happy Birthday’ Before The Day, On The Day Itself Or After The Day, Your Sentiment Is Still Going To Make Your Friends & Family Overjoyed.
Happy belated birthday dear friend! The biggest surprise is always the last one. May you always be successful and peaceful in every step of your life!
Good Luck With The Cake You Already Ate.
I’m very lucky that i have got a wonderful sister like you, happy birthday to you. Send them an unforgettable birthday message on a card, by sms, by email or on social. Best apology bday messages, sayings for girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife, uncle, aunt & others.
Forgive Me For Not Attending.
Here are 20 thoughtful thank you messages for birthday gifts. Here are some belated happy birthday messages in a general way for anyone. Among our family and friends, we usually extend our greetings to show our love and care for them.